KDSPY v5 Software
Uncover Your Next 'Profitable' Book Topic In Just A Few Clicks
Reverse engineer the bestseller categories
in a single click
When you want a detailed breakdown of any of the 25,000+ Kindle or book categories on Amazon – click on KDSPY from within your browser. In a few seconds, you'll know the competitor landscape of that category, the potential est. profit you could make there with a first-page listing – plus, you'll have a detailed breakdown of each book's important metrics.
KDSPY sits in your browser as your book research assistant
Unlike isolated software applications buried on your computer, KDSPY sits in your browser and becomes your – 24 hour on-demand – research assistant when you're browsing Amazon.
See how many books you need to sell in 24 hours to rank #1-20
For Amazon's algorithm to pay attention to your book, you'll need to sell a certain amount of copies in 24 hours to get a category ranking. Once you've identified an ideal category based on revenue potential, a simple roll-over with your mouse on the red 'information' icon reveals the estimated daily sales you'll need to compete for a first page position.
Discover the popular trends & keywords in any book category
What better way to find bestselling niches – and get ideas for your next book – than by modelling what's already working for other successful authors. KDSPY shows you the popular trends in any market, reveals the bestselling niches to go after – and even gives you a world cloud to help you write a compelling book title.
Analyse keywords in-depth for profit and ranking potential
Do any keyword search in KDSPY itself and instantly get its profit potential along with 100's of additional (A-Z) keyword suggestions – all exportable for AMS ads. Alongside, you'll get competitor counts and their est. monthly revenue. Our keyword analysis feature drills down even further to reveal the likelihood of ranking in Amazon for it, too.
Spy on other authors & publishers and model their bestselling books
KDSPY can analyse any author page and tell you in seconds all their statistics. Just a single click will show you the SalesRank of all their Kindle, paperback & hardcover books, their estimated sales, and total revenues broken down by individual book type.
Track the sales rank & revenue of any book over 30 days
Keep track of as many Kindle, paperback & hardcover books as you'd like with our book tracking feature. KDSPY pulls the SalesRank of your competitor's books (automatically) on a daily basis, then displays their performance in chart form, along with their est. daily sales and monthly revenues.
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